Thursday, December 30, 2010


Yesterday my wonderful husband tried to help me with my computer issues but we had no luck. Then last night I was mentioning my problems to my sister from another mister(she is more than a friend but family) and she asked me if I had a warranty, I didn't know because my husband ordered it online and I wasn;t given a sheet saying so. Well she said for me to call HP. This morning came and decided why not? So I did and get transferred to someone from in Tokyo Japan. I must admit I was nervous because I wasn't sure if I would totally understand her or him. But I did, there was a couple issues she had to repeat but for the most part we connected. I couldn't believe how much she helped me. I know it is her job, but had no idea how big of a job those people have! Long story short, she helped me and fixed my problem!!!!!!!!!! All it was was having to actually unplug both router and modem and plugging them back in, I guess like a reset? Bad news I found this out AFTER I purchased this Norton stuff thinking my problem was a virus. Well, I am waiting for the wrath of my husband and hoping he forgives me haha.
But I am back and more excited than ever! Colton and I had a mommy and Colton day yesterday. We went and saw Yogi Bear in 2d and did some shopping and he spent his Christmas money guessed it! Thomas! Then on the way home we stopped and had a fattening treat-McDonalds. All in all, it made a bad day better and was nice having that time with him.
As for the giveaway since the week is almost over and there is even more Holidays, I will start it on MONDAY Jan. 3,2011! So stay tuned until then. This will be a great way to bring in 2011. Thank you to all the new followers! I am so excited!


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